Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Foods That Trigger The Snotnose If Consumed When Colds

When a cold or flu, runny nose or runny nose has always been a problem many people. In addition to rest and take medication, there are some foods to avoid so you do not become runny.
Mucus is a slippery substance produced by cells and glands in the body. Although beneficial to protect the body tissues, excessive mucus production can cause nasal congestion, discomfort, and in severe cases can cause breathing difficulties.
Conditions associated with complications such as mucus sinus infection, colds, asthma and cystic fibrosis.
Here are some foods that should be avoided if you do not want to constantly runny nose as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Sunday (06/26/2011):

1. Dairy products

 "In most cases, dairy products do not cause formation of mucus. But somehow milk can increase the thickness of the mucus that makes the symptoms more disturbing," explains Dr. James Steckelberg of MayoClinic.
Dairy cows is one of the causes of the most common food allergies. To avoid milk allergy symptoms associated with mucus, consume a non-dairy products, like soy, rice or almond milk.

2. Wheat 

Wheat is also one of the causes of the most common food allergies. If symptoms come from wheat allergies, choose wheat-free products such as brown rice, wild rice, oats, barley and corn.

3. Red meat 

Red meat such as lamb, beef and ham, contain saturated fat, which is the form of fat that can increase inflammation, leading to the production of mucus.
Spicy and fatty meats, like sausage, bacon and bratwurst, may aggravate the symptoms of runny nose due to increased irritation. To avoid this risk, replace red meat with protein sources, such as beans, lentils, tofu, egg whites and fish.
Cold water fish, like salmon, mackerel, herring provide additional benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, ie healthy fat that may help reduce inflammation.

4. Some fruits and vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables are important components of the healthiest diets, because menyedian number of rich in antioxidants, like vitamin C and beta-carotene, which supports the body's ability to resist and recover from infections, including those associated with mucus.
But certain varieties, such as bananas, corn, cabbage, and potatoes, can increase mucus production.

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